Monday, November 30, 2009


This is what I've designed for my parents. My mom said she liked it, but I guess we'll see if they print it or not.

This is what I designed for Miles and me to send out as Christmas/Wedding Thank You cards. The back will be just brown with white text and a green line on the bottom.

And this is what I've designed for Aimee and Josh. I think Aimee quite liked it, so I hope they use it.

I've just been in the designing mood lately. Last night I finished the pictures of Katie's aunt's family, and today I finished Trisha's senior pictures. Now I'm going to work on the Mays' family pictures! Then I'll work on a few of the pictures I took of Aimee, Josh and Collin then on to Marissa's senior pictures.

It's nice to see the break I'll be getting from pictures. Then in January I will be doing pictures at Rebekah and Steven's wedding.

I've also been in the crafting mood. This year anyone who is getting a gift card from us for Christmas will be getting the gift card in a little box. And I've been making bows out of paper from books, vellum, magazine pages, and scrapbook paper.

Also, I'm sure tired. I went to sleep at 5 this morning and woke up at 10:30. I wasn't tired when I went to sleep, when I woke up or for most of the day. Now my head hurts and I'm a little hungry. I had a sandwich when I got home from Trisha's senior show and it wasn't too delicious. Maybe I'll have some chips while I edit pictures...maybe.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm about 60% done with Trisha's pictures. Only 60%!
I've barely started on Jamie's family pictures!
And Mandy, I'm sorry, but I haven't worked on any more of your family pictures!

Oy vey!
I'm trying to work, work, work away at them.

Today I worked 2-10:15. My legs hurt.
Tomorrow I'm helping Trisha (different Trisha from the aforementioned) with her photo project. Really I should be spending my time working on my myriad of photo projects, but I just can't say no to helping!
And Amber doesn't have to work tomorrow evening so as of now I'm planning on making her come over to eat sketti.
I'm sure plans will change, but I think it's a nice, rough outline of the day.

I think I'd like to have a baby.
Maybe, baby? I think so.

They're just so cute.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm going to the doctor today. Really I should have gone on Tuesday, but I put it off. I keep thinking that there has to be some way that I can cure my ear problem myself.
I've tried ear drops, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, hand suctioning, yanking my ear every which way, sleeping on that ear, warm water, sleeping on a heating pad, q-tips (I know, the doctor will probably yell at me for this), drying it with a hair dryer, and last night I tried sweet oil.
Nothing has worked for me. Now it's just starting to actually have a little pain with it. I don't know if that's from the water/wax combination happening in there, or if I just poked and messed around with my ear too much.
Either way, today I'm giving up, giving in, and going to the doctor.

I'm excited to be done with all of these photos. I think I'd like to do crafty things. I want to make more boxes, make magnets, make some shirts, decorate frames, bake some cookies, etc. I just want to!

Yesterday I designed a Christmas/Thank You card for us. We never sent out thank you cards for the wedding, oops, so these cards will double as both. Then I am going to design a Christmas card for my parents. It's fun.

Now I should get ready for the day so I can get this ear fixed and maybe stop by Hobby Lobby.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I just can't concentrate.

I got off work at 10:15 tonight. I got home around 10:30 and cooked a cheese pizza. I made Miles a lunch then we read chapter 21 in Matthew then he went to work. Since midnight I've been working on pictures...kind of. I can't just concentrate! I'm totally not excited about these pictures. I'm tired of looking at the same face!

I'll survive and finish them eventually. Hopefully sooner than later.

Tomorrow I plan on going to the doctor about this here ear. It doesn't hurt or anything, but it's just not getting any better. I'm hoping that it's something that can be fixed quickly and simply.

Today at work there was a man named Darnell that was trying to return a watchband that he had bought 397 days ago. Yep, that's like a year and a month. You know why he was trying to return it? It broke. Okay, $8 watchbands break after a year. He kept saying, "I'm just trying to get my money back, it's broken, I can't use it anymore." He had even cut under the barcode thing I scan that shows the date that it was paid for. My goodness, this whole situation lasted for probably 15 minutes before I started to get frustrated. When I'm angry at work I just get quiet and hit the keys hard. Then he says, "How old are you?" So, I told him 22. He responds with, "I have a daughter that is 36 and she respects her elders because I raised her to respect children and adults." And I said, "Okay." Then he kept telling me not to be mad. Then he said, "I'm a pastor, I'm a prophet, God loves you, God bless your life." And I just responded with, "Oh, you're a prophet?" In a semi-sarcastic way. He then told me that Jesus will return soon to which I just said, "Oh, I know, I know." Then he left and I told him to have a sarcastically lovely day.
There was a lady wanting to return some stuff right after him or I would have talked to him more about all of that. He did ruin my night for a while though.

In other news, I need to exercise. I feel humoung-o right now.

And maybe I should work on these pictures more. Ohhhhh I want to be done with this set!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mandy can leave comments now!

I love Sundays. Especially right now.
I haven't slept much the last couple of days. Today I slept until 1:30 after going to sleep at 3:45 last night/this morning.
AND I can't edit pictures today (not that I'd even want to!).
Okay, let's get this straight. I do highly enjoy editing pictures. But, there are so many pictures to edit and it takes so long! Sooo very long.
It's nice to have a forced break.

Also, Sunday's are nice because I always listen to an abundance of studies, read, relax and go to Bible study.

At the moment I'm sipping on some coffee and sorting out clothes that need to be put away.
I really don't mind doing laundry, but I really hate putting them away. That's the worst.

The good news about this whole photo thing is that next Saturday I am taking some senior pictures for a girl named Marissa from DeKalb and that's the last thing I have set up until the beginning of next year! Yay! I'm stoked to have a break and be able to take some pictures for fun again, though I'm sure I really won't. I'll probably just work on my website more when I get the chance. I do like the way it's looking but I just can't ever get too much done on it before I start messing things up and start thinking it looks stupid.

I just took about half an hour break from writing this.
I got sidetracked.

I made some smokies.
Mine are wrapped in biscuits and are cooking in the over.
Miles' are covered in BBQ sauce and cooking on the stove.
Yay, smokies!
I'm pretty excited to eat mine...they have cheddar in the inside. Fancy!

Christmas is soon. I'm excited about that, but not at all at the same time. I love making gifts and such for people and I have been in the mood to watch some old Christmas movies and bake some cookies and such while drinking hot chocolate and wearing fuzzy socks. That sounds nice. But, I really hate Kmart this time of year. It's so busy and people are so mean and I just don't enjoy it. Boo.

I guess that's it for the day. Tootles.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I just finished Danielle's pictures!
I still need to edit Paige's pictures!
Tomorrow (today) I'm taking Sarah's pictures!
I was supposed to take Zoe's pictures Saturday but she's been sick so she's postponed (to the 21st)!
I got a call about taking some photos of Trisha's (girl from East Buchanan who has asked me about taking senior pictures) mom's grandson...aka Trisha's nephew!
I asked Trisha if she could switch from the 21st to this Saturday and she said no!

The 21st is going to be a crazy, crazy day!

Saturday night I'm going to Cracker Barrel! I'm stoked!

I have a feeling the power is going to go out tonight. I don't know that it's storming or even raining at all, but I did hear something that sounded like thunder.

I'm hungry and tired. Tired definitely wins because it's 3:30am and I have to wake up around 10 to take senior pictures at 1.
